Valdez Fly-in

Valdez, Alaska Fly-in and STOL Competition

Fairbanks Aviation Day 2023

UAF/CTC Hangar 3504 South University Ave, Fairbanks, AK, United States

Curious about what happens at Fairbanks International Airport? Would you like to get up close to real airplanes? Receive instructions from an FAA Air Traffic Controller? Practice with a Flight...

99’s Midnight Sun Poker Run

Midnight Sun Poker Run, June 3. Sponsored by the Midnight Sun 99s. Rain days will be June 4, or the following weekend June 10 or 11.

Stewart System Fabric Workshop

Expertly taught. Contact Terry Wighs 785-643-8770, voice or text. Reserve a spot by paying in advance. Sponsored by and underwritten by EAA Chapter 1129. 3800 Tibor St. Fairbanks, Alaska 99701

Nenana Fly-in

Nenana Fly-In & Picnic sponsored by EAA to commemorate 100th Anniversary of Carl Ben Eielson's first flight. No rain date - drive, if necessary, to get there. Nenana will also...

GAA Fall Meeting

UAF/CTC Hangar 3504 South University Ave, Fairbanks, AK, United States

Fairbanks General Aviation Association Fall Meeting. Open to all GA pilots and GA supporters. The location is the UAF/CTC Aviation Facility Classroom. In addition to updates from FAI, ATC, Alaska...

GAA Spring Meeting

UAF/CTC Hangar 3504 South University Ave, Fairbanks, AK, United States

Join us for the GAA Spring Meeting, April 16, 2024 at 7pm. The feature presentation will be “Aerial Firefighting Airspace” by Duane Morris, DNR.

Great Alaska Aviation Gathering

Alaska State Fairgrounds Palmer Palmer, AK, United States

Great Alaska Aviation Gathering, Palmer Alaska. Celebrate Alaskan Aviation!

Great Interior Pumpkin Drop & Fly-In

Join in the fun at the Great Interior Pumpkin Drop and Fly-In! The location will be the Bradley Sky Ranch Airport in North Pole. Food trucks, games, and fun will be had. Registration for the Pumpkin Drop starts at noon, Saturday Sept 28.

GAA Fall Meeting

UAF/CTC Hangar 3504 South University Ave, Fairbanks, AK, United States

Join us for the Fall Meeting 2024

EAA Annual Banquet

Pikes Waterfront Lodge Fairbanks, Alaska, AK, United States