Fairbanks International Airport General Aviation Association
The goals of the association are:
- To bring together pilots, aircraft owners, and supporters of aviation at the Fairbanks International Airport.
- To constructively identify and act on items of mutual interest.
- To provide a vehicle for expressing opinions and advice broadly held by the Association’s members.
- To work with the managers of Fairbanks International Airport facilities and airspace, with the region’s pilots, and other groups to ensure the continued safety, usability, and neighborliness of aircraft use in the community.
- To promote harmony, friendship, and the future of aviation in the community.
- EAA Annual Banquet Feb 7. Limited number of tickets. See flyer above.
- Fall Meeting slides are available here.
- GAA logo hats are now available! See below.
With GCI discontinuing email service, be sure to send an email to gaa.fairbanks@gmail.com with your new email address. Do the same if you have changed your email address for any reason.

GAA logo caps are now available in 3 colors at $25 each. Local pickup is free (see order form for info), shipping is an additional $7. The mail-in order form is here, or purchase online below.